
Stream Player for R&D, Testing, Demos

Feature-rich stream player software with support for all DekTec output adapters:
ASI, RF, SDI and IP: SMPTE 2022 (TS-over-IP, Video-over-IP), SMPTE 2110, and SRT.


  • Build yourself a low-cost, versatile stream player using a standard- or industrial PC, a DekTec output adapter and StreamXpress® playout software
  • Streams DTV signals from file: baseband (ASI, SDI), modulated (RF) or TS-over-IP
  • Integrated (P)SI viewer
  • Integrated test-signal generator including 4K UHD playout
  • Advanced support for several modulation standards, including DAB+, DVB-S2X, DVB-T2 and ISDB-S/T
  • Play-out at a higher rate by null-packet stuffing with PCR correction
  • Endless play with optional automatic correction of continuity-counter and PCR/PTS/DTS fields
  • Automatic computation of transport rate
  • Reproducible injection of errors in the transport stream with adjustable error rate
Old Adapters Still Supported
DTA-100, 105, 112, 115
DTA-116, 117, 145, 160
DTA-2136, 2137C, 2142
DTA-2145, 2152, 2154
DTA-2174, DTU-205
DTA-2152, 2154, 2174
DTA-107, 111, 112, 115
DTA-116, 117
TS over IP
PC network port (local NIC)
PC Support                     
Windows 7*, 8*, 10, 11
Win Server 12*, 16, 19, 22
* From June 2023, driver updates for Windows 7, 8, and Server 2012 will no longer be provided. Application installers will include June 2023 drivers as the final versions for these editions.
Core i5 minimum
Core i7 recommended
Or equivalent AMD CPUs
Disk Drive
For streams with a high bitrate (SDI, I/Q samples), carefully select a disk sub-system that can sustain the required bitrate


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