About Us

Broadcast Evolution


Our company name “VILLAGE Island” is inspired by the village that is the broadcast industry. Our customers, suppliers, partners, and even competitors are all part of this village. Majority of people employed or involved by the broadcast village has been so for many years and will be most likely for many years to come. In this village, seen at a national or international level, we encounter the same people, sometimes not working for the same company or not working on the same project, but still a member of the adventure, in the same village. This village is the place where to share know-how and expertise as we share with our customers and partners. Personally, I have been involved in the broadcasting market since my first working days, I was actually brought up in this “Village”, and I feel I owe to it.

The “island” in VILLAGE Island refers to the islands that are Japan, Singapore, the starting grounds of our company, but also it refers to the many islands in South-East Asia and Pacific that we cover through our region of activity. Like some people like to call the Japanese technology island the “Galapagos” with its unique creatures, each island has its local and cultural way to do things, and one needs to know such insides and adapt to succeed.

Through VILLAGE Island, the know-how from each island is a value for the other islands. Also, when an island is small or doesn’t carry the critical mass to deploy a large scale, an advanced or complete system, we know how to bring to reality a broadcast solution with a minimum of investments and resources for our customers. This is possible thanks to the flexible and cost-performing use of modular products, our expertise, and our advanced software solutions.

After the transition from analog to digital and the nowadays increased capacity of CPUs and FPGAs, the broadcast becomes more and more based on the software-like solution. We focus on bringing or developing such software and technology to respond to the various needs of our market.

Our motto is to provide state-of-art digital broadcasting technology to customers and make a contribution to society through our experiences in these “villages” and those “islands”.

VILLAGE island actively conducts business overseas and is a bridge between Japan, South-East Asia, the Americas, and Europe. While bringing key technologies from Western countries to our region, we also expand Japanese and other regional technologies to the worldwide market. Our compact and flexible systems and software are adopted globally. We act actively to provide better and on-time solutions to our small and big customers.

meet our director team


Michael Van Dorpe


Naoki Shiratori


Atsushi Kawakami


Yuya Hasegawa



VILLAGE island Co., Ltd.

5th floor of Kowa Shirogane-dai Building 3-19-1 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0071

TEL: 03-6409-6206

Mail: sales@village-island.com

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